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Baby Blues? ...Just get a cat...

morgan6646, laiba0943

We've officially reached the conclusion that our feline friends really are almost identical to new-born human babies.

No, really! Think about it for a second or two. There isn’t very much babies and cats can (and will) do by themselves. Bearing in mind their lack of opposable thumbs (cats), dexterity (babies), general lack of street smarts, and their inability to make a living, they’ve become pretty reliant on the rest of us. Lucky, most parents don’t expect any favours in return. After years of feeding and general love and affection, the score is probably pretty unbalanced.

A well-known quality that cats and babies share is in that neither of them have any shame or embarrassment when it comes to their bathroom habits, or, lack thereof. They go wherever they want and whenever they need to, and don't ever so much as stop to consider who may have to clean up afterwards on their behalf. Well, on both counts, its us. Talk about overworked and underpaid.

Studies have shown that cat owners can determine the needs of their kitty by the sound, pitch, length and frequency - of their meows. In reality, adult cats don't meow to each other at all. They only meow to their kittens as they grow and their new-born ears develop. Adult cats have actually evolved over time to meow as a means of communicating with their human owners. Cats may commonly remind you that it's mealtime - by combining their usual rumbling purr with an unpleasant meow, something similar to a baby’s cry. Everyone knows that babies cry when they're hungry, tired, in pain, or experiencing basically any other emotion, right? Sound familiar? Both babies and cats are also incredibly fussy, but also incessantly insistent. They always want feeding, but, will reject whatever you provide.

Not the most desirable trait, but indeed babies and cats can get pretty possessive about their guardians. Possessiveness occurs due to a fear of losing resources, usually taking place when a cat has not been socialised properly from a relatively young age. They have not had the opportunity to learn how to relate positively with and to other animals, people or objects. When they are suddenly confronted with the presence of an unknown being, they don't know what to do and act out as a result. They believe their personal space is being invaded, and that the things they want and need will be stolen from them. When a cat rubs against your leg, it's not a sign of affection; it's to designate you as their property. Their scent glands go into overdrive when they rub against you (and possibly twist their tail around your leg). These scent glands emit a “mark” that alerts other animals in the area that you are their property - and that they should stay away. According to research, toddlers believe that the person who has an object initially is its legal owner, even if someone else has it later - hence why they can also be so possessive.

Cats can sleep between eighteen and twenty hours per day, and new-borns have been known to asleep anywhere between sixteen and twenty hours per day. Because there is less to do and/or worry about, indoor cats prefer to sleep more frequently and for longer average periods, compared to outdoor cats. Generally, cats are able to take it easy since they are at the top of the food chain in the wild, as their predators are in completely different climates. This means they don't have to worry about being attacked or chased, making it much easier to unwind.

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