This week, we're delving into the well-groomed and wonderful world of show cats and feline breeding clubs. And, let's just say, we've rather been led down a rabbit hole, (er, cat flap?) so to speak!
It's really quite fascinating the lengths people will go to, in the name of owning a 'perfect' or 'pedigree' moggie.
While we can confirm that our fabulous felines throughout our three cafe's are all gorgeous enough to win absolutely every and any award up for grabs... we're not sure they have the drive and discipline it takes to make it all the way to the top, obliterate their competition, and remain victorious from here on out...
To be honest, our kitties prefer a relaxing cat nap in a secluded spot, an unlimited amount of fuss from any and all of our staff and customers, and a lovely tasty treat of whatever they desire; over incessant grooming, medical-grade diets and sitting very still for extended amounts of time while they are poked, prodded and generally inspected by complete strangers... And, really, who can blame them? It's all probably not quite their kettle of fish, so to speak, and, anyway, they know which side their bread is buttered!
Felinology is the study of cats, and felinologists are those who study cats.
The terms are of Latin-Greek origin and come from the Latin word felinus (of cats, feline) and the Greek word -logos (science).
Felinology is concerned with studying the anatomy, genetics, physiology, and breeding of both domestic and wild cats.
Just like when we breed plants, there can be benefits - quality of life, immunity from diseases and reproductive success; which in turn gives evolution a little helping hand.
However, it seems like the majority of kennel clubs (or, rather, their feline equivalent) are much more concerned with the aesthetic benefits, rather than helping improve the health and wellbeing of a species - despite feliologists frequently being hired for these such competitions.
Did you know?
Cat shows as we might know them today, have actually been occurring since the mid-to-late nineteenth century
The process and awards a cat gets depend on which class it is in. The classes are:
Championship: Cats that are not spayed or neutered who are at least eight months old compete for championship titles in this class.
Premiership: Spayed or neutered cats that would otherwise qualify for competing in the championship class compete for premier titles.
Provisional: This class includes cat breeds that the CFA has not yet fully recognized. The CFA accepts breeds into this class temporarily on their road to full championship status. If a cat is of a breed in this class, it can compete to win Best of Breed but cannot go on to the finals.
Kitten: Cats in this class are between four and eight months old (regardless of whether they are spayed or neutered).
Miscellaneous: This includes breeds that have not yet achieved provisional status. Although owners can exhibit these breeds at shows, they cannot compete for awards.
Veteran: Cats in this class are at least seven years old. However, owners have the choice to enter these cats in other qualifying classes as well.
Household pet: Any cat that has not been declawed but has been spayed or neutered after eight months can enter this class.
In a specialty show, cats compete against others of the same sex and coat color first. After cats reach eight months old, an unaltered cat (not spayed or neutered) starts competition in the open category in the championship class. An altered cat (spayed or neutered cat) enters the open category for premiership class.